
Hello ICSAtlanta 5th and 8th Grade Parents,

Our 5th and 8th grade students will be participating in second language proficiency testing in March. The web-based assessment is called the ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL) and is used to measure how students are developing in their target language proficiency (listening, reading, speaking, and writing). The testing window will be from March 17th through March 28th. Though this is our testing window, it does not mean students will be tested every day of the testing window. 

We will begin reviewing the test format with students during class to ensure everyone is prepared for this assessment.

To learn more about the AAPPL, please click HERE .

-ICSAtlanta Administration

Milestones Testing Information 2025_approved TP

Please read the Georgia Milestone Assessment Parent Letter to receive more information about the upcoming End-of-Grade (EOG) and/or End-of-Course (EOC) Milestone Assessments that your child will be taking at the end of the school year. We will be reviewing for the Milestones assessment in class and discussing test-taking strategies. If you have any questions about Milestones assessment, please join us for our Milestones Parent Night on Thursday, March 27th 2025 at 6:30 PM (Zoom Link to join is available on our ICSAtlanta Event's calendar on our school’s website). In the meantime, please don't hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher with any questions you may have.  

Parent Q&A English: Parent Q&A Spanish:


Online Practice Test Site: Online Study Guide:


ELA Study Guide:


Accessing Georgia Milestones Results:

Accessing Georgia Milestones Results

A website, called Experience Online Testing Georgia, has been established to provide an opportunity for students to become familiar with the online testing platform. The website can be found at This practice site does not require a login and is available 7 days a week. This practice site is not designed as a “practice test” to measure a student’s knowledge of course content and scores will not be generated. Again, it is intended to allow students to familiarize themselves with the online platform before testing.